Friday, November 21, 2008

Spending time at Grandma Josies

Well, Taylor and I have been staying at Grandma Josies for the past few days, and will stay here until Monday.  We have to go in for bloodwork, so hopefully Taylor's counts are high enough for chemo #3, otherwise they will need to give her some immune booster shots to kickstart her immune system.  

We went for a visit to Redwater to see Danielle and Benjamin today which was great - these kids grow so fast, it is truly amazing.  

The beagles are driving Brenda and Faye crazy, I think Brenda may have met her match with Abby - she is our wild child, but truly a sweet puppy once you get to know her quirks. Thanks again Ladies for looking after them for me...I will be sure to let you know when we are getting out of the hospital so you can drop them off.  

I hope everyone has a great weekend - it is my neice's 7th Birthday tomorrow, so we are going to dress Taylor up in a party dress and take some pictures.  I will be sure to post them on the website when I get home.

Take care,

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