As some may know we follow many other kids that have the same cancer as Taylor. We follow them for hope, to follow their journey's, to give support.
We are in desperate need for prayers, hopes and wishes for a beautiful little boy named Sterling Bacon. Sterling has the same cancer as Taylor and has been battling this cancer monster for 3 years....the same amount of time as Taylor. His family has had shattering news, Sterlings tumour that returned has in the last month tripled in size. There is nothing left for the doctor's or medicine to do, this is now in God's hands. Please, please, please send prayers, hopes, wishes to Sterling and his family! All of you have managed miracles before with Taylor, but someone else needs a miracle...
I am going to leave you with my favourite quote, you may remember it, but it is fitting yet again;
"When you think hope is gone, that is when you need to look farther than your eyes can see."-Peter Kasule
In regards to Miss Taylor. We continue to be blessed with her good health. She is so full of life, ENERGY, happiness. She is staying at her Nana Roberta's and Grandpa Don's house with Mindy an Landon until they get possession of their new house. Taylor has been a tad confused in regards to their accommodations. She was at first repeatedly telling Mindy "Mommy, Daddy, Ruby, Taylor go home." Landon took her by their old house to say "Good-bye" as she never really got to do that as she was at Grandma Josie's while they moved everything. So hopefully time goes quickly and they will all be settled.
Taylor is such a funny duck in sooo many ways. She has a day home with a bunch of little boys, so she tries to be like them. She was leaving the day home on friday and was telling the boys "bye, got to go. I going to play ball, baseball, football." LOL of course she does not play these things, but must have figured that was the thing to brag about.
Taylor's birthday is on Saturday coming up, September 10th where she will be three! I will try and get some pictures up for everyone, maybe a video if I am really good.LOL I think I'm going to buy her some "boot boots" as she seems to love boots. She wears her rubber boots everywhere so I think she may need a style intervention.LOL
Thank you so much for following Taylor. She is an Angel.... although at times when she is lacking sleep I wonder about that...The pic below is when I was out with Taylor and my Mom shopping and we turned around in the car and saw Taylor had put her bathing suit on her head.LOL
Taylor's Auntie Leah