Friday, January 9, 2009

Things look a bit better


Taylor is doing good. They are now thinking the infection is not as bad as the first suspected so they are hoping that they will not need to re-do the Broviac. Yeah! She is still in the hospital and will be till infection is cleared up. She may just stay until infection is clear and her counts are up then get chemo. SO if all goes well she will be out next weekend.

So NO one has contacted me regarding any food? I am hoping if you cannot bring any food that you can at least schedule some time to drop by and visit Mindy. She gets very bored there. It is very lonely in a hospital. I was able to go tonight and my mom  goes every night, but there is only so much time that we can be there. Please try to squeeze a little visit in there as it gives Mindy a "change of scenery". I know it is hard as it is a busy time of year as well as all the bloody illnesses but if you can a quick little visit would be awesome.

Okay so I will sign off. I am a bit tired....long week back as two weeks off tends to make one less than energetic when returning to work.LOL

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