Sunday, January 11, 2009


So they are still in the hospital...duh, they will be there all week. Taylor is doing well. I did not go yesterday as I was feeling sick. I hope to be there later on today with some food and movies for Mindy. 

It means a lot to Mindy that people care, that they care to bring her a snack, lunch or dinner plate. She feels guilty that she needs to ask and guilty when she receives. I try to assure her that I personally do not mind giving up stuff to give her a piece of joy, because it is the truth. I have had the epiphany that if I don't do it, nobody else will or can be expected to (end of the sentence preposition I know bad, bad writer, but I think you can all tell  this by now). Because I am a teacher (Social Studies...making good citizens.LOL)  I struggle to teach my students this lesson. I try to make the world seem like a place that needs change and people to do this.  We live in a society it seems that has not always been quick to act...instead we assume someone else will do it for the person in need. We justify to ourselves the we are just too busy, have more work to do than others, more family commitments than others, are just not feeling up to it, etc.

I hope that does not sound like you. In all that has happened I have considered this my wake up call. We need to be more involved in others lives. Why? Because we all need support, love and guidance. We all think we have it until something like what has happened to Mindy and Landon occurs. When this happens it points out the who will act and the who will talk. I am being abrupt, but it is not to instill guilt. I am not into guilt. Make today the day you chose to act. Shovel your neighbors lawn, say hi to someone you don't know, let someone into traffic. It doesn't have to be huge, but it makes someone's day. Trust me.

On a different angle. We have received so much love and kind words from those of yo that know what is going on with our family. This is a true blessing. These are the things that help us all carry on and see this positively. I have this amazing student April W. who quickly upon hearing all this brought me a huge bag of clothes and recently had a blanket made by the Hutterites. She asks every day about Taylor. She makes me so proud! She embodies what I believe we all can do for anyone we may know. Out at my school the students and community are so amazing. They do not treat this as a thing that "I helped, I am done". They ask me regularly progress, how they can help, etc. They do not know Mindy nor anyone else in my family, but they know that we all can use support. SO to all of them I am thankful. I am thankful for Danielle, Lindsey and Brenda that have helped with doggie duty. They open their homes so that Mom and I don't have to stay out at Mindy's (which would mean a 2 1/2 hour drive for me to work in the morning and then another 2 1/2 drive back). My students have volunteered, but they live on farms and I would be worried that those crazy dogs would get themselves hurt or lost somehow.LOL To everyone who squeezes time out of their lives to go visit Mindy and Taylor, those who bring her food like Mom, Grannie Thiessen and Linda, etc. Okay so I got to go, but will see if I can update soon.

I am sending my hopes to all of you today....

So don't waste them LOL


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