Tuesday, December 22, 2009

long time no update

Well Taylor had a bit of a flu last week. She was pretty sick and not her regular self at all until of course she saw me on Saturday.LOL She has been throwing up in the mornings, which has become alarming, so today they were to give her an emergency MRI; however MRI machine was down so she had a CT scan instead. They were worried her blood vessels were enlarging (I think, but we have no idea what that means). Anyhow all was found to be normal. They figure that she probably is throwing up (only early am) because of the anesthetic she has been getting daily and it is a build up from all of that. I pray this radiation will be done soon and Taylor can have the rest of her life to enjoy! Please continue to pray for our girl...she is such a blessing full of smiles.

I got to hang out with the Thiessen's on Saturday. The kids had tons of fun, booty shaking. Taylor goes and pushes buttons on the stereo when she doesn't like a song.LOL She sings some words or la,la,la to Rihanna's song Hard. very cut!

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